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Three Clark State Professors to be Honored by SOCHE throughout 2022

Three Clark State Professors to be Honored by SOCHE throughout 2022

December 9, 2021

The Strategic Ohio Council for Higher Education (SOCHE) will honor 71 Excellence Award recipients from across 22 member institutions throughout the 2022 calendar year including three Clark State College professors.

Academic Officers at each SOCHE member institution submitted faculty members who demonstrated excellence in teaching, service, and scholarship during 2021. Similarly, Human Resources Officers at each SOCHE member institution named staff members who demonstrated excellence in student success, service, and assessment throughout the past year.

“The three honorees selected from Clark State all exemplify the qualities that make up the stellar faculty we have at the college,” said Dr. Tiffany Hunter, provost and vice president of academic affairs at Clark State. “Each are true subject matter experts in their respective disciplines and are strong advocates for students and student success. I am proud of their accomplishments and their selection as SOCHE Excellence Award Honorees for 2021.”

Clark State SOCHE Excellence Award honorees include:

  • Dr. Arly Drake, Assistant Professor of Agriculture
  • Amber Nikki Miller, Assistant Professor of Licensed Practical Nursing and Program Coordinator, Nursing
  • Chanpathana Siriphokha, Assistant Professor of Mathematics

SOCHE is the regional leader for higher collaboration, engaging with colleges, universities, and industry to transform the economy through the education and employment of nearly 200,000 students in Southwest Ohio. See more at

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Erika Daggett Director, Marketing
