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Summer Course in Geospatial Technology Puts Clark State Students “On the Map”

Summer Course in Geospatial Technology Puts Clark State Students “On the Map”

May 21, 2020

Clark State Community College is offering Introduction to Cartography with Geographic Informational System (GIS) this summer semester leading to a short-term or departmental certificate in GIS/Geospatial Technology. GIS offers a method of presenting spatial or geographic data through interactive maps or other infographics. This unique technology isn’t simply mapping; it is also able to assist with many types of locational analysis, including virus tracking.

“GIS is used for many great purposes including tracking COVID-19 during this unprecedented time,” said Crystal Jones, assistant dean of business and applied technologies at Clark State.

Students are able to utilize their knowledge immediately by earning certifications in remote sensing, analysis, programming and the latest in unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) operations.

"This may be a perfect moment to upgrade skills or even start a new career trajectory because many are unable to work as they did a couple months ago,” said Dr. Adam John Parrillo, associate professor and GIS/Geospatial program coordinator at Clark State. “Geographic information systems is a technology born from human inquisitiveness and is a way to extend our own abilities to observe and analyze the world around us. While we examine the world, we can do this from safe distances using technology and data, so this program is able to be pursued online."

The introduction course eases the student into the program by learning cartographic methods and the basic technical skills using industry leading software to empower their knowledge.

“By the end of the course, students are able to acquire and display data in maps which is the first step towards analysis,” said Parrillo. “Learning mapping and data handling is a great skill to acquire no matter the chosen discipline or profession.”

Geospatial technology is a set of technological approaches, such as GIS, photogrammetry and remote sensing, for acquiring and manipulating geographic data. Geographic information systems (GIS) is a type of geospatial technology used for gathering, managing and analyzing data. Rooted in the science of geography, it analyzes spatial location and organizes layers of information into visualizations using maps and 3D scenes. With this unique capability, GIS reveals deeper insights into data, such as patterns, relationships and situations—helping users make smarter decisions.

“Clark State has four full articulation agreements with colleges, including Wright State University and Miami University,” said Jones. “In addition, the Intro to GIS and Cartography course counts as the Map Communication and Analysis Geography TAG (transfer assurance guide course) by the Ohio Department of Higher Education.”

Registration for summer and fall semesters is now open. Introduction to Cartography with Geographic Informational System (GIS) starts June 8.

Media Contact

Erika Daggett Director, Marketing
