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Riverside Research Presents STEM Scholarships to Clark State Community College

Riverside Research Presents STEM Scholarships to Clark State Community College

November 30, 2015

Riverside Research, a not-for-profit scientific research company primarily supporting the US Department of Defense and the Intelligence Community, awarded two scholarships – each equal to one full year’s tuition – to Clark State Community College for the 2015-2016 academic year. Awarded to students pursuing degrees in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) disciplines, this marks the second consecutive year that Riverside Research has supported STEM education pursuits at Clark State through scholarships.

“Clark State is grateful to Riverside Research for their generous support of scholarships, programs, and student learning experiences,” said Clark State Vice President of External Affairs Kristin Culp. “STEM education provides students with many excellent employment opportunities, and we are proud to partner with Riverside in preparing students to meet the growing demand.”

Clark State students Jessica Worsham and Shaun Foor are this year’s Riverside Research STEM Scholars. Jessica, an industrial engineering major, plans to pursue her bachelor’s degree from Wright State University upon earning her associate degree from Clark State. Shaun, a cyber security major, formerly interned at Riverside Research and participated in the inaugural Cyber – Institutions Growing National Intellectual Talent and Experience (C-IGNITE) education program first launched by Clark State and Riverside Research in 2014. Both students maintain 4.0 grade point averages.  

“Riverside Research originated at Columbia University in 1967 and is proud to demonstrate sustained dedication to its academic heritage by supporting STEM education and training in the Miami Valley,” said Riverside Research Vice President for Programs Joel Rieman. “Our longstanding partnership with Clark State ensures that the region will have a qualified pool of technical professionals for years to come.”

Riverside Research and Clark State are longstanding partners in STEM education, research, and workforce development initiatives.

About Riverside Research
Riverside Research is a not-for-profit organization chartered to advance scientific research in the public interest and in support of the United States government. Comprised of leading engineering, technology, and operations experts, Riverside Research delivers trusted solutions in Biomedical EngineeringCyber,Electromagnetic Sciences, and Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance. These Centers of Excellence are supported by five integrated research laboratories that conduct independent and mission-focused research in critical technology areas. Originating as part of Columbia University in the 1950s and established as an independent corporation in 1967, Riverside Research remains dedicated to its academic heritage by working with colleges and universities from across the nation to advance science, technology, engineering, and math through education, research, and workforce development. Learn more at

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Erika Daggett Director, Marketing
