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Project Jericho Youth Create Cityscapes on Display at Stella Bleu

Project Jericho Youth Create Cityscapes on Display at Stella Bleu

November 30, 2020

In one of the few in-person programs Project Jericho has held since the start of the global pandemic, the PJ youth have challenged the limitations of the present moment in search of inspiration. Ten young artists responded to the question “If you could go anywhere in the world, where would it be?” by rendering their favorite places from around the world as colorful needlefelt cityscapes.

Local artist Annette Eshelman taught the group how to use a needle and wool felt to create beautiful, painting-like scenes. While the pandemic has brought feelings of isolation, loneliness and the sensation of being trapped, this project has served as a mental escape for our participants so that they may experience the world in new and innovative ways. They learned about new cities, cultures, architecture and tasted a plethora of foreign foods, all while creating unique art.

Thanks to a collaboration with local event designer Ambience, these needlefelt artworks will be on display in the windows of local restaurant Stella Bleu Bistro in December. Friends, family and members of Springfield will have the opportunity to safely view original artwork and mentally escape to places such as Paris, London, Venice and more. We invite local news sources to view the display at Stella Bleu Bistro and report on it, as well as interview Project Jericho staff, and/or Annette Eshelman—the visual artist for Project Jericho’s City Escapes program.

Project Jericho is a program of Clark State Community College supported through funding from the Clark County Department of Job and Family Services, The Ohio Arts Council, The Turner Foundation, Clark County Juvenile Court and private contributions.

For more information, contact Project Jericho at 937-328-7976 or visit Project Jericho online at

Media Contact

Erika Daggett Director, Marketing
