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Clark State Vice President of Academic Affairs, Dr. Tiffany Hunter, Named President of Paradise Valley Community College

Clark State Vice President of Academic Affairs, Dr. Tiffany Hunter, Named President of Paradise Valley Community College

May 3, 2022

Clark State College provost and vice president of academic affairs, Dr. Tiffany Hunter, has accepted the position of President of Paradise Valley Community College in Phoenix, Arizona. Hunter will begin her tenure with PVCC in July of this year.

“I am so humbled, honored, and blessed to have been selected as the sixth president of Paradise Valley Community College,” said Hunter. “My time and experiences at Clark State have helped to prepare me for this next step in my career and for that I'm grateful.”

PVCC is part of the Maricopa County Community College District.

Hunter has worked in higher education for 21 years and in administrative roles in both two- and four-year institutions for over 15 years. Since 2020, she has served as Provost and Senior Vice President of Academic Affairs at Clark State College. Prior to joining Clark State, she served as Dean of Education and Human Services at Florida State College at Jacksonville for seven years. She also serves on several local and national committees, including the National Association for the Education of Young Children Commission on the Accreditation of Early Childhood Higher Education Programs.

“Dr. Hunter is a champion of students like no other,” said Dr. Jo Alice Blondin, president of Clark State. “Her strong academic preparation and background, service as a faculty member, dean, Vice President, and Provost have put her on the path to a community college presidency.”

In 2021 Hunter was also selected as one of only 40 leaders for the Aspen Rising Presidents Fellowship through the Aspen Institute of College Excellence Program. The Rising Presidents Fellowship is a highly selective leadership program preparing the next generation of community college presidents to transform institutions to achieve higher and more equitable levels of student success. 

“This is a tremendous opportunity for a talented leader who has proven herself as a student-centered, equity-minded, and quality assurance-focused leader at Clark State and in many other positions,” said Blondin. “When a community college leader is selected for the Aspen Institute, it is only a matter of time before their talents are recognized and they are offered a presidency.”

Blondin also said the faculty, staff, students, and community of PVCC will learn know and appreciate the “engaged and thoughtful leader” those at Clark State have cherished. She said Hunter has made a significant impact on Clark State’s diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts, especially as leader of its Achieving the Dream work.

Hunter said the Clark State faculty, staff, students, the administration, and the community will always hold a special place in her heart as they have been an integral part of her career growth.

“Special thanks to Dr. Blondin and the Board of Trustees for their support and encouragement during my time [at Clark State],” she said. “The leadership training that I've had throughout my career and currently as an Aspen Rising Presidential Fellow, will serve me well as I embark on this next phase of my career. My family and I will forever feel a connection to Springfield, Ohio.”

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Erika Daggett Director, Marketing
