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Clark State’s Halladay Awarded National Library Legislative Day Travel Award

Clark State’s Halladay Awarded National Library Legislative Day Travel Award

May 20, 2015

Clark State Community College’s Technical Services and Systems Librarian Sylvia Halladay was awarded the National Library Legislative Day Travel Award. Halladay traveled to Washington, D.C., this month for a two-day legislative event where she advocated for library issues of importance. “I was very surprised and delighted to learn that I was selected,” said Halladay who has served in her position with Clark State for three years.

Halladay said she applied for the award granted annually by the Academic Library Association of Ohio. She explained that ALAO sends two people each year to National Library Legislative Day: the government liaison and one at-large member. “This year, I was the at-large member selected to go,” she said. “Other librarians and library supporters from around the state and around the country attended this annual event, and they're from all different kinds of libraries - public libraries, school libraries, academic libraries.”

The purpose of attending the American Library Association's Legislative Day is to raise the profile of academic libraries in the national political arena and to educate legislators of the issues facing academic libraries and academic librarians.

This was the first time Halladay has attended the event. As a member of the official Ohio delegation, she attended a meeting of all Ohio delegates and a day of briefings from the ALA Washington office staff. The following day was devoted to meeting with Ohio's senators and/or staff and the members' legislators and staff.

“I advocated for federal funding for libraries, as well as other issues that affect us all, such as laws that make sure we all have open access to research,” said Halladay.

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Erika Daggett Director, Marketing
