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Clark State Professor Presents to State Legislature on Technology in Agriculture

Clark State Professor Presents to State Legislature on Technology in Agriculture

November 29, 2018

Dr. Larry Everett, Clark State Community College director of Precision Agriculture and the Ohio Center for Precision Agriculture, delivered a presentation on “The Role of Technology in Agriculture and Food Systems” at the State of Ohio Legislative Services Commission (LSC) training for newly elected members of the State legislature.

The newly elected members were at the John Glenn College of Public Affairs on The Ohio State campus in Columbus on November 28. They learned about areas of research expertise across the state that impacts important public policy topics that may be before the state legislature in the coming two years.

“Our goal was to give them a basis of agriculture and then get into the technology and the advances we’ve made,” said Everett.

Everett discussed agricultural innovations in farm technology and bringing agricultural products to market, along with Dr. Scott Shearer from The Ohio State College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences.

Everett said he hoped the newly elected members saw how agriculture is more complex and broad than they may have originally thought, and there are plenty of people in Ohio willing to help if they have questions or concerns.

“This was a great opportunity for Clark State, and it showed the expanding cooperation among state colleges and universities,” he said.

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Erika Daggett Director, Marketing
