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Clark State Honors Honeycutt, McCarty for 40 Years of Service

Clark State Honors Honeycutt, McCarty for 40 Years of Service

March 4, 2024
Amanda Honeycutt holding a years of service award.
Amanda Honeycutt, director of grounds & fleet for Clark State and Mark McCarty, maintenance technician at Clark State College

Clark State College’s annual Charter Night serves to remind the college and community about the establishment of Clark State’s charter in 1962. At the event, Clark State recognized employees for years of service, including Amanda Honeycutt and Mark McCarty who have both served at the college for 40 years.

Honeycutt, director of grounds & fleet for Clark State, began her career as a work-study student employee and then became an intern. Following graduation, she served Clark State as grounds supervisor, manager of grounds & fleet, and then was promoted to director of grounds & fleet.

Honeycutt said she enjoys her role at the college and the different duties she performs including growing flowers in the college greenhouses to beautify the campus, maintaining interior plants throughout the campus, coordinating snow removal activities, maintaining the college vehicles and grounds equipment, maintaining turf, trees and shrubs, scheduling the campus roadway and parking lot maintenance work, and handling the GovDeals sales for the college.

“Whenever you visit Clark State’s campus and enjoy the bloom of Spring flowers or the colorful Fall leaves adorning the carefully nurtured native trees, you can’t help but to see and appreciate the thought and effort that Amanda Honeycutt has displayed in her work over the last four decades,” said Doug Schantz, executive vice president for finance, facilities and operations at Clark State. “Amanda is an artist of sorts and the grounds surrounding Clark State’s facilities have been her canvas. Our campus community benefits greatly from Amanda’s talent and devotion to her craft.”

Honeycutt also said she has fond memories of all the many people she has had the pleasure of working with over the years, and all of the students the college has served. 

“Clark State has such a wide range of great people with diverse backgrounds, it's interesting and enjoyable to come to work,” she said.

Honeycutt said the changes that impacted her the most in her 40-year tenure is the growth of the campus from 60 acres to 110 acres, multiple new buildings and expanding into new locations.

“Our technology has also greatly improved,” she said. “One thing that has remained the same is that Clark State is still a special place where we all work together to help our students succeed. I am so thankful I enrolled at Clark State all those years ago, and I am grateful to Clark State for giving me the opportunity to succeed.”

Honeycutt’s impactful memories of her time at Clark State include the first graduation ceremony held inside the Performing Arts Center (PAC) and the Fallen Warrior dedication ceremony honoring military veterans.
Mark McCarty has also served with Clark State for 40 years as a maintenance technician.
McCarty started his career at Clark Technical College through Manpower Temporary Employment Services. He was told the College only needed him for two or three days.

“That lasted nine months, and now I’m in my 35th of year service with Clark State,” he said.
As Maintenance Technician, McCarty oversees groundskeeping, including snow removal and preparing for graduation.

“I am dedicated and committed to the students and the community who may be on campus,” said McCarty. “I agree with the goals and the objectives of the College. I feel a sense of ownership of the College.”

McCarty also said the implementation of new technology has been a significant change on campus.

“The increasing use of technology in a classroom and the daily use of email on campus,” he said. “And the use of online classrooms with the student being able to stay at home.”

Graduation Day is McCarty’s favorite Clark State event.

“It has always been a great day for me,” he said. “It has changed a lot from going to several schools and borrowing hundreds of chairs to set up outside and in the gym in case it rained. It's a day for me to honor Richard O. Brinkman founding President of the College and continue his dreams.”

Schantz said McCarty has faithfully served Clark State over the last four decades.

“Mark works to maintain our facilities in a manner that promotes a conducive learning/teaching environment for students/faculty at the Brinkman Educational Center and a welcoming backdrop for patrons of the Performing Arts and Conference Center located downtown,” he said. “Mark’s attention to detail and depth of knowledge as it relates to Clark State’s mechanical infrastructure perpetually serves as a resource to reinforce the consistent operations of our facilities.”

Dr. Jo Alice Blondin, president of Clark State, said It is not often that an organization has “indispensable” employees.

“I can truly characterize Amanda Honeycutt and Mark McCarty as indispensable,” she said. “Both have been strongly committed to Clark State’s students and employees, and ensuring that the campus is among the most beautiful and well-kept in the nation. I am so proud to work besides both of them.”

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Erika Daggett Director, Marketing
