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Clark State Honors 133 Adjunct Faculty for Years of Service

Clark State Honors 133 Adjunct Faculty for Years of Service

August 31, 2015

Clark State Community College recognized more than 130 adjunct faculty members for their years of service at a gathering held August 19 at the Hollenbeck Bayley Creative Arts and Conference Center.

"Adjunct faculty members are an integral part of what we do - teaching and learning. We are fortunate to have so many talented individuals who bring a wealth of teaching and industry experience to our classrooms. It was so wonderful to see our adjunct faculty being recognized for their years of service with Clark State," said Dr. Amit Singh, provost and vice president of academic affairs at Clark State.

Shashi Chadha has been an adjunct instructor for Clark State for 35 years; she also serves on the Clark State Foundation Board of Directors. In 1977, when her children were in elementary school full-time, Chadha decided she was ready to return to work part-time. She began teaching Introduction to Psychology at Clark State. “I got started, and I felt really good teaching,” she said.

When her children left for college, Chadha took on teaching additional courses at Clark State including abnormal psychology, communications and regional studies. “It’s a wonderful place to be,” Chadha said. “I’ve seen it grow and change its name; grow from a single campus to multiple campuses, and change from quarters to semesters.”

Chadha said the connection between administration and adjunct faculty has strengthened through the years. “The present administration – Dr. Blondin and Dr. Singh – their communication and connection with adjunct faculty is really good. They listen to their needs and issues.”

Chadha values student success and said she is happy that Clark State is making valiant strides towards the same goal. “I was thrilled when they implemented the Tuition Challenge Program,” she said. The Tuition Challenge Program offers up to a ten percent tuition rebate for students who maintain a minimum grade of C in all classes.

“I tell my students on the first day that ‘for me, it’s more important that you guys do well. If you have the time to study and do well, then I have all the time in the world to see that you do well,’” she said.

Chadha said being recognized with a service award for her 35 years of teaching as a Clark State adjunct, “Felt really nice.”

She will turn 70 this year, and Chadha says she would like to continue teaching as long as her physical and mental health will allow. “I truly enjoy teaching as an adjunct for Clark State,” she said. “And I am very proud to be part of this and what Clark State does for the Springfield community.”

Adjunct Faculty Service Awards

35 Years
Shashi Chadha

20 Years
Jamie Haycox         
Mike Henry    
Roberta Ginter
Kevin Reynolds    
Don Hyden        

15 Years  
Tom Greenwood    
James Padgett            
Faith Pencil        
Iotha Roberts        
Terry Black        
James McKitrick     
Kendall Burcham    
Paul Smith        
Nancy Thornton     
Karen Benton        
Deb Spain    
Jeffrey Strother

10 Years
Dave Banaszak
Renee Bostick
Mike Farley
Roger Foster
Phil Jones
Marianne Kaiser
Jennifer Krasno
Wade Kuhn
Chris Loar
Hayla Parker
Kelly Paulin
Jane Rumford
Marcia Vannet
Jeff Verson
Judy Woods
Victoria Adams
Edward Baader
Terry Fisher
Lynn Geist
Gail Moeller
Melissa Whittington
Pamela Chambers
Peter Cook
Pete Herdt
Lori Jones
Patricia "Fay" Plsek
Grant Rodgers
Lynnette Rodrigue

5 Years
Carol Armbrust
Stephen Barnes
Adam Batchelder
Terry Bovinet
Andy Byerly
Dorie Farrell
Anthony Fife
Ben Foster
Monnica Gavin
Lynne Graves        
Mark Hopkins
Victor Howarah
Tim Howard
Laura Huser
Amy Hutchison
Jim Jackson
Sara Jankowski
Deanna Jessup
Bonnie Kleinman
Amy Knapp
Matthew Kohl
Jill Loney
Ed McCarthy
Carol Miller
Dawn Poole
Jene Shaw
Lorraine Turner
Lisa Watson
Earl Weaver
Phyllis Abbott
Maela Kay Butz
Aaron Coleman
James Corbet
Melissa Cordial
Jeffrey Davidson
Terry Feeney
Diane Goodrich
Lori Herzog
Leo Kelleher
Allison Kimmel
Kimberly Miller
Beverly Nagle
John O’Hair        
Rand Oliver         
Kim Poole
Rhandee Rohrbach
Diana Routzahn
Debora Rudd
David Todd
Albert Tokarsky
Brian Troutwine
Pam Tullis
Jim Whitmore
Anthony Barrett
Brian Bennington
Abigail Cobb
Kimberly DeLong
Tammy Detwiler
Amy San Filippo
Douglas Gaudette
Robert Green
Sherri Grimone
Rich Hancock
Jennifer Hawke
Stephen Heironimus
Chris Howard
Elizabeth Hutchison
Tammy Jacobs
Laura Myers
Shawn Peters
Glenda Planz
David Reichert
Sue Roddy
Cathy Saunders     
Sally Sligar         
Deb Spencer        
William Stanley
Douglas Stewart    
Monica Sutter         
Kathy Taylor        
Cindy Warrington    
Carol Weller        
Jami Yarger

Media Contact

Erika Daggett Director, Marketing
