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Clark State Celebrates Annual Charter Night

Clark State Celebrates Annual Charter Night

February 18, 2015

Clark State Community College’s 53rd annual Charter Night was held on Tuesday, February 17. Faculty, staff, students and special guests gathered in the in the Hollenbeck Bayley Creative Arts and Conference Center for the event.

“Charter Night is a celebration of and reflection on our past successes, as well as a time to recognize those faculty and staff members who have demonstrated excellence in their service to the institution and its students,” said Dr. Jo Alice Blondin, Clark State president. 

Project Jericho’s family choir Jericho Voices performed and students Kara Drollet and Cecil Pratt read the College charter. “Reading the charter is a reminder of our roots as a technical college and now our broader mission to serve both the transfer and technical education student populations,” said Blondin.

Trustee Emeritus Maureen Grady spoke on the history and accomplishments of Clark State. Grady served on the board of Clark Technical College/Clark State Community College from 1983 through 1998 and was chairperson from 1986 through 1988.

Ohio State Senator Chris Widener received the first Champion of Clark State Community College Award.

Twenty-nine employees received service awards and the evening concluded with professional excellence awards presented to adjunct faculty, faculty and staff who were nominated by their peers and students. Dr. Amit Singh, vice president of academic affairs, delivered the closing remarks for the evening.

2015 Charter Night Award Recipients
Adjunct Faculty Professional Excellence Awards:  Mark Hopkins, Victor Howarah, Amy Knapp; Faculty Professional Excellence Awards:  Pam Ball, Dana Matt, Fabian Novello; Staff Professional Excellence Awards:  Travis Binkley, Melissa Checkie, David Farrell, Charmaine Misick

5 Years of Service:  Melissa Checkie, Kathleen DeLong, Wendy Gagliano, Dana Matt, John Minter, Evelyn Naegele, Cindra Phillips; 10 Years of Service:  William Blake, Tim Brown, Terri Dinsmore, Theresa Felder, John Hale, Tom Hicswa, Ayman Idrees, Kevin Jones, Dana Kapp, Dee Malcuit, Nancy Mitchell, Barbara Yontz; 15 Years of Service:  Michelle Coleman, Thomas Drerup, Bridget Ingram, Tambry Kegley, Tammy Watt; 20 Years of Service:  Jane Cape, Susan Everett, Midge Hall, Angela Henry; 25 Years of Service:  Dan Heighton

Media Contact

Erika Daggett Director, Marketing
