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Clark State Board Votes to Maintain Current Tuition Rate, No Increases Planned

Clark State Board Votes to Maintain Current Tuition Rate, No Increases Planned

July 8, 2021

On Thursday, July 1, the Ohio House-Senate Budget Conference Committee convened to make final decisions and vote on the new Fiscal Year 2022-23 Biennial Budget with expectations that the budget will soon be considered by the full House and Senate.

While the budget retains the Ohio Association of Community College's (OACC) request for authority for community colleges to increase tuition by up to $5 per credit hour in each of the next two fiscal years, The Clark State College Board of Trustees has voted to maintain its current tuition rates of $165.33 per credit hour for in-state students.

“Clark State’s Board of Trustees, faculty and staff continue to keep a laser focus on student success,” said Dr. Jo Alice Blondin, president of Clark State. “Clark State has made no increases in tuition rates for the last two fiscal years, and we continue to maintain one of the lowest tuition rates in the state of Ohio. Student success and accessibility to an affordable, quality education is at the forefront of every decision we make.”

Clark State offers a reduced tuition rate to all active military personnel in the state of Ohio. Active-duty personnel receive a 50 percent reduced tuition rate and their spouses receive a 25 percent reduced tuition rate.

Numerous student scholarships are also available through the Clark State Foundation. The Clark State Foundation supports individual and community enrichment by removing financial barriers and increasing college success through educational and cultural programs. Removing financial barriers for students helps ensure a high-quality college education is accessible to all residents of the area.

Media Contact

Erika Daggett Director, Marketing
