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Clark State Appoints Interim Vice President of Academic Affairs

Clark State Appoints Interim Vice President of Academic Affairs

May 6, 2022

Dr. Richard Woodfield will step into the role of interim vice president of academic affairs (VPAA) for Clark State College.

Woodfield currently serves as the Chief Academic Officer for the Ohio Association of Community Colleges (OACC). He will fill the interim role at Clark State in the wake of current provost and vice president of academic affairs Dr. Tiffany Hunter’s exit. Hunter accepted the role as president of Paradise Valley Community College in Phoenix, Arizona where she will begin her tenure in mid-July.

“Dr. Woodfield has held a significant number of academic leadership positions in Ohio, and he will do an excellent job during our transition to identity a permanent replacement,” said Dr. Jo Alice Blondin, president of Clark State. “I also have the utmost confidence in his ability to ‘hit the ground running’ as he is very familiar with our college and its needs.”

Woodfield will begin working alongside Hunter on June 6 and fill the role of interim VPAA through December of this year. A search committee has been established to determine a permanent candidate for the VPAA position.

Woodfield has a strong history in the field of higher education including serving as provost and chief academic officer at Zane State College in Zanesville, Ohio. He also served as VPAA at James A. Rhodes State College in Lima, Ohio. He also currently serves as a leadership coach for Achieving the Dream.

Clark State was accepted as a participant in the Achieving the Dream (ATD) 2020 Cohort. Clark State’s participation enables the College to champion evidence-based institutional improvement.

“I am excited to have an opportunity to work with Clark State and President Blondin while they undergo the search for a new Vice President for Academic Affairs,” said Woodfield. “Continuing the good works of Dr. Hunter and all the community focused, student-centered efforts underway at Clark State is something I look forward to.”

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Erika Daggett Director, Marketing
