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Application Open for Nationally Recognized Clark State SOAR Program

Application Open for Nationally Recognized Clark State SOAR Program

March 13, 2024

The application window for the eighth class of Clark State College SOAR participants is now open. The selected SOAR class will begin their mentorship in the fall of 2024 under the guidance of Clark State President Dr. Jo Alice Blondin.

SOAR – Serving Our Own through Leadership and Retention – was developed in order to facilitate mentoring of faculty and staff on campus and assist them in identifying current and future leadership opportunities that will result in personal and professional growth.

“This program has received national recognition and is totally focused on creating a culture of student success at Clark State,” said Blondin. “The benefits of this program accrue every year, as SOAR participants impact their colleagues in positive ways.”

The goal of the SOAR program is to develop and create leaders who are committed to serving Clark State as partners in student success. SOAR is a comprehensive professional development experience for full-time faculty and staff that provides self-assessment, leadership strengths building, mentoring and career development planning, thereby leading to stronger, more prepared leaders who will enhance Clark State’s focus on student success.

Additionally, the program focuses on developing leaders at the individual, team and system levels as well as empowering co-workers of participants to become “implementers of change” at all campus levels.

Selected participants – three faculty members and three staff members - must attend all meetings and events and complete all program requirements. Each will receive a one percent increase in base salary (in addition to any annual salary adjustments) at the successful completion of the program, special recognition at Charter Night, and a well-developed career/mentoring plan.

“The purpose of this program is to develop –internally-- leaders at Clark State who champion student success,” said Blondin. “The SOAR participants meet monthly, beginning in August and ending with a celebration in May/June. The group develops a presentation on a campus issue to the Board of Trustees and travels to Columbus to meet with our legislative delegation.”

SOAR applications, a letter of interest, and a letter of recommendation from an appropriate executive council member are due to the president’s office by Friday, April 5, 2024.

Media Contact

Erika Daggett Director, Marketing
