Getting college credits while in high school could not be simpler or more affordable than through the College Credit Plus Program.
All students in 7th through 12th grade are eligible to apply and must meet the minimum standards of being academically prepared for college-level coursework. If you are interested in this program, you should attend an information session at your high school before March 30 as well as sign the Intent to Participate Form through your school by April 1. Once that is accomplished, complete the process below.
Admissions Process
College Credit Plus students have a special admissions process. An admissions specialist for CCP will work with you to make sure you are on the right track.
- Complete Clark State's online admissions application.
- Complete and submit the ODHE CCP Permission Slip.
- Submit your official high school transcript, ACT/SAT scores or take the placement assessment. Please note, you must meet state eligibility in order to be accepted.
- Complete the Student Questionnaire. Directions will be sent in the acceptance letter.
- Attend a College Credit Plus orientation.
The subject matter of a course enrolled in under the college credit plus program may include mature subject matter or materials, including those of a graphic, explicit, violent, or sexual nature, that will not be modified based upon college credit plus enrollee participation regardless of where course instruction occurs.
Questions? We're here to help!
General Inquiries
David Hale Academic Advisor, CCP