Registered Nursing
Clark State College / Springfield Regional School of Nursing
This program is available at the Beavercreek and Springfield - Leffel Lane locations.Registered Nursing graduates are prepared to function in beginning staff-level registered nurse positions in hospitals, extended care facilities, clinics and comparable health care facilities as members of a health care team.
Upon completion of the program, the graduate is eligible to apply to take the NCLEX-RN examination. Licensure is mandatory for practice as a RN. Candidates for licensure in Ohio must obtain a criminal background check and disclose information related to any prior felony or misdemeanor, crimes involving gross immorality or moral turpitude, violation of a drug law, and/or recent diagnosis or treatment of a psychotic disorder. The Ohio Board of Nursing will determine whether the candidate may take the licensing exam.
Student Achievement Data
The nursing program publishes student achievement data that is required by the Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN). The data includes the graduates' success on the licensure examination, program completion rates, and employment rates.
Licensure Examination Pass Rate - Performance on the licensure examination for first-time test-takers
- 2024 first-time takers for all cohorts (RN, LPN to RN, and Paramedic to RN) = 91.67%
Program Completion Rate - Percentage of students who graduate within a defined period of time. The definition used by ACEN for the program completion rate is the number of students who complete the program in no more than 150% of the stated program length beginning with enrollment in the first nursing course.
- 2024 Completion for all cohorts (RN, LPN to RN, and Paramedic to RN) = 82%
Job Placement Rate- Percentage of graduates, responding to a graduate survey, who were employed in a position for which the program prepared them six (6) to twelve (12) months after graduating.
- 2024 Job Placement Rate for all graduates (RN, LPN to RN, and Paramedic to RN) = 100%
Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) Completion Option
Graduates of the Associate of Applied Science degree in Nursing are prepared to obtain licensure and employment as a registered nurse. Graduates are also prepared to continue their education and obtain a bachelor's degree in nursing. A number of colleges and universities have designed bachelor's nursing completion programs for associate degree prepared registered nurses. To investigate these programs affiliated with Clark State, please use the following link to take you to Clark State's transfer guides.
Outcomes and Curriculum
Upon completion of an Associate of Applied Science degree in Registered Nursing, a graduate will be able to:
- Patient Centered Care/Human Flourishing: The student will engage in professional nursing practice, providing holistic, individualized, compassionate care that is patient centered and culturally and developmentally appropriate across the lifespan.
- Leadership and Professionalism/Professional Identity: The student will transition to the role of the professional nurse, incorporating legal, ethical, and professional standards.
- Evidence Based Practice and Quality Improvement/Spirit of Inquiry: The student will incorporate a spirit of inquiry through the utilization of current best evidence to make clinical judgements for quality improvement.
- Communication, Teamwork and Collaboration/Professional Identity: The student will utilize effective communication with nursing and inter-professional teams, fostering an open communication, respect, and shared decision making.
- Safety, Informatics and Technology/Nursing Judgement: The Students will integrate informatics and technology to guide nursing judgement in making clinical decisions that minimize the risk of harm to patients and providers.
Academic Requirements
Technical Standards
Specific attributes, characteristics, and abilities are essential to practice nursing. Professional competency is the summation of many cognitive, affective, and psychomotor skills. Students who enter the nursing program must be able to perform (with or without reasonable accommodations) these Technical Standards, which can be found within the application for the RN programs as well as the information pages for the RN program.
Students who may require accommodations to perform the technical standards should contact the College's Office of Accessibility Services to request reasonable accommodations.
Students are asked to sign a form certifying that they have read, understand, and are able to perform the Technical Standards of the Student Nurse when applying to the program. These Technical Standards are also reviewed at the program orientation session. Attendance at this session is required for all students who have been accepted to start the nursing program's technical courses.
Admissions Requirements:
The Registered Nursing (RN) program is a space limited program that admits students three times a year in summer, fall and spring semesters. In addition to applying to the college, students must apply to the program. Minimum grade point average requirements and application to the program does not guarantee admission to the program. Entry to the nursing program is competitive and based on academic achievements. Detailed information about the RN program’s competitive admission criteria, process, timeline, and forms are available on the Admissions for Healthcare Programs web page.
Additional Program Requirements
Prior to starting the program, students must have current healthcare provider cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR/BLS) certification and current state-tested nurse aide credentials or have satisfactorily completed MST 1181 or its equivalent at a community college within the past two years. Additional information about these requirements may be obtained from academic and faculty advisors. Students must also meet health requirements, show proof of health insurance, and meet criminal background check and drug screen requirements before starting the program.
Students must update health requirements, criminal background checks, and drug screens in accordance with program and clinical agency policies. Additional information about these requirements is provided at the nursing program orientation sessions that are required for all students who have been accepted to start the program. Students must complete these requirements at their own expense. Students will be billed for liability insurance for each year of clinical courses as part of a course fee.
All students enrolled in NUR 2239 are required to enroll in the Virtual ATI NCLEX review and 3-day in person ATI Live Review. All NUR 2239 students must successfully complete the specified areas within Virtual ATI NCLEX review for NUR 2239 course completion.
Progression Requirements
In order to enroll in NUR 1130 and progress to subsequent nursing courses, students must have successfully completed all prerequisite courses with a grade of C or higher.
Graduation Requirements
To qualify for an associate degree, Registered Nursing students must have a cumulative grade point average of 2.0 and have a grade of C or higher in all courses in the nursing curriculum.
The Registered Nursing (RN) program is approved by the Ohio Board of Nursing,17 South High Street, Suite 660, Columbus, Ohio 43215-3466; (614) 466-3947; and accredited by:
Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN)
3343 Peachtree Road, Suite 850
Atlanta, GA 30326
Track | Semester Start |
Springfield Day | Fall and Spring Starts |
Beavercreek Day | Fall Start |
Springfield Evening | Fall Start |
Springfield LPN to RN Day | Fall Start |
Beavercreek Paramedic to RN | Fall Start |
Springfield LPN to RN Evening | Spring Start |
Advanced Standing RN Program | Summer Start |
Advanced Standing LPN to RN Program | Summer Start |
Questions? We're here to help!
Garrett Fisher Director, Nursing Programs