Emergency Medical Services
This program is available at the Springfield - Leffel Lane location.Emergency medical services (EMS) are expanding rapidly with more opportunities developing for emergency medical technicians (EMTs) and paramedics. Although working in EMS has traditionally meant working for a fire department, rescue squad, or ambulance, there are also positions in education, management, research, communications, support services, and health agencies.
Our program introduces students to a variety of emergency care situations and experiences both in the hospital setting and on emergency vehicles. Both day and evening courses are available.
Embedded Certificates
Clark State offers an associate degree and several certification programs. The certification courses may be taken separately or in conjunction with the associate degree program.This degree program contains one or more embedded certificates, which will automatically be awarded if the certificate requirements are met unless students contact Records and Registration and indicate they do not wish to have the certificate credential awarded.
Articulated Credit
Students who have current Ohio EMT-Paramedic certification and wish to obtain an associate degree in Emergency Medical Services will be granted articulated credit towards the first level EMS courses in the curriculum. These will be granted after the student has completed 15 hours of semester coursework towards their EMS degree at Clark State. Students who wish to be granted articulated credit must submit an EMS Articulated Credit Application form and appropriate documentation to the EMS Program Coordinator.
Outcomes and Curriculum
Upon completion of an associate degree in Emergency Medical Services, a graduate will be able to:
- Demonstrate technical proficiency in skills necessary to fulfill the role of entry-level paramedic.
- Communicate (written, verbal) effectively with patients, families, healthcare providers, and other supportive agencies.
- Exhibit ethical behaviors consistent with professional standards and employer expectations.
- Demonstrate ability to integrate patho-physiologic and psycho-social principles and assessment findings to formulate a field impression and implement a treatment plan for the out-of-hospital patient.
- To prepare competent entry level paramedics in the cognitive (knowledge), domains with or without exit points at the Advanced Emergency Medical Technician and/or Emergency Medical Technician, and/or Emergency Medical Responder levels.
Academic Preparation
Individuals seeking a career in emergency medical services should realize that to be successful, they must be emotionally stable, flexible and physically fit enough to perform the minimum entry-level job requirements.
Prior to entering EMS 1131, the student must meet the following entrance requirements:
- Pass ACCUPLACER Reading placement tests with scores testing out of college preparatory reading and writing or pass with a C or better in an English developmental course ENG 0980.
- Pass Quantitaive Reasoning test with a score of 246 or better, or pass with a grade of C or better the with a score of 246 or better, or pass with a grade of C or better MTH 0500.
- Have Ohio EMT-Basic certification.
- Have current CPR provider certification.
Prior to scheduling clinical rotations:
- Complete physical exam and health requirements.
- Complete criminal background check requirements.
- Complete drug screen requirement if required by assigned clinical agency.
Prior Learning Assessment
Students who have prior education or training equivalent to the paramedic course of study may demonstrate knowledge acquisition and practical skill competency in a series of steps that may absolve the student from attendance at the formalized paramedic sequence of classes. Contact the EMS Program Coordinator for more information on this Prior Learning Assessment policy.
Academic Requirements
Students must have a high school diploma or its equivalent. In addition, each student must take reading, writing and math placement tests and may need to take college preparatory courses if indicated by placement testing scores.
Technical Standards
All students accepted into the Emergency Medical Services programs must be able to meet the General Knowledge and Skills Requirements of EMS Personnel with or without reasonable accommodations. These requirements are linked to this program page on the College's website and are also provided to students via the EMS Policy Manual. Students are required to sign a form indicating they have reviewed these requirements and submit that form to the EMS Program Coordinator when they enter the program.
Graduation Requirements
To qualify for an Associate Degree, Emergency Medical Services students must pass all the required courses, have a cumulative GPA of 2.0 and have a C as a minimum grade in all the technical EMS courses. BIO 1105 be completed with a grade of C or higher.