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Chemical Dependency Short-Term Technical Certificate

Chemical Dependency Short-Term Technical Certificate

This program is available at the Beavercreek and Springfield - Leffel Lane locations.

This certificate is a recommended addition to the resume of anyone working towards or already possessing an Associates, Bachelor’s or Master’s Degree in a Social Service-related field and working in service fields including health care, mental health, criminal justice, correction, and social services. It recognizes that an individual’s scope of knowledge and practice includes specific understanding of the pharmacology, physiology, and treatment processes for substance use disorder concerns seen daily in these fields. For those interested in working in the field of substance use disorder treatment, this certificate is focused on providing clock hours in the clinical Domains of Competency required by the Ohio Chemical Dependency Professionals Board under the Ohio Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services (OMHAS) that meets the eligibility standards to apply for the Chemical Dependency Counselor Assistant (CDCA) Phase I and II state certifications as well as the full 180 educational clock hours required towards the Licensed Chemical Dependency Counselor II and III licenses provided the student has completed at least 2000 field hours and a completed degree.

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Outcomes and Curriculum

Course Title Credits
SWK 1105 Chemical Dependency I: Pharmacology and Physiology of Psychoactive Substances 3
SWK 2205 Chemical Dependency II: Assessment, Diagnosis, and Treatment Strategies 3
SWK 2215 Chemical Dependency III: Co-Occurring Disorders of Addiction and Mental Health 3
SWK 2225 Chemical Dependency IV: Service Coordination 3
  Total credit hours 12

Questions? We're here to help!

Ciara Bobbitt Assistant Professor
