Professional Services Management
This program is available at the Beavercreek, Online and Springfield - Leffel Lane locations. The Professional Services ATS degree is available during the day and in the evening.The Associate of Technical Studies in Professional Services Management offers individuals who hold licensure in professional areas such as cosmetology, various building trades, auto services, or other areas to receive up to nine credit hours toward an Associate of Technical Studies degree with a focus in the management of the business operation related to the professional area. Students coming from high school career programs or trade school programs that result in licensure as well as long-term professionals will be interested in this degree option. Students will receive college credit for their professional knowledge while pursuing an education that will provide them the tools with which to successfully launch and manage their own business.
Embedded Certificate
This degree program contains one or more embedded certificates which will automatically be awarded if the certificate requirements are met unless the student contacts Records and Registration and indicates he/she does not wish to have the certificate credential awarded.
Outcomes and Curriculum
- Apply basic business and management concepts, skills, and tools.
- Effectively use communications and human relations knowledge and skills.
- Demonstrate knowledge of social responsibility trends, ethical issues, and legal considerations.
- Analyze quantitative data.
- Demonstrate knowledge of global business trends.
- Apply knowledge and skills in the area of management and business operations related to the professional area.
Academic Preparation
Interested students should contact the academic dean of Business and Applied Technologies early to determine the number of credits that will be applied toward their degree based upon the licensure held. Students will need to provide proof of current licensure. In addition, students are responsible for providing any information related to their licensure that is needed by the academic dean in order to determine the number of credits to be awarded. Once the credit hours applied to the licensure are determined, the student will work with the academic dean who will approve any additional coursework in the professional area.
Questions? We're here to help!
Pamela Ball, MBA Associate Professor and Coordinator, Management