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Legal Studies

This program is available at the Start here, finish there location.

The Legal Studies program prepares individuals to assist attorneys in the delivery of legal services. Someone who enjoys conducting research, solving problems, and communicating the results has good potential as a paralegal.  Graduates are employed by private law firms, financial institutions, courts, prosecutors' offices, legal aid societies, public defenders' programs and corporate law offices.

Clark State cooperates with Sinclair Community College in offering the supporting courses for this AAS degree program. Students can take classes at Clark State concurrently with the Sinclair legal studies courses if they wish to complete the degree within a two-year time frame, or they can complete the supporting courses at Clark State first and then transfer to Sinclair to complete the program.  Students are cautioned that once they begin the legal studies courses at Sinclair, it will still take two years to sequence through the legal studies courses. By taking course work at Clark State, students are able to minimize commuting time.

The Legal Studies Program at Sinclair ( is a limited-enrollment program and students must be accepted into the program before beginning paralegal courses. Students should contact the Dean of Business and Applied Technologies for information on applying to Sinclair’s Legal Studies program and for academic advising while enrolled at Clark State.

Explore Careers

Outcomes and Curriculum

Upon completion of the Paralegal program, a graduate will be able to:

  • Competently conduct factual and legal research and communicate the results clearly and concisely.
  • Competently prepare and interpret legal documents.
  • Demonstrate competency in current technology.
  • Exemplify a high standard of ethical and professional behavior individually and as a member of a legal team.
Course Title Credits
ENG 1111 English I 3
ITS 1105 Computer Concepts and Software Applications 3
ENG 2211 Business Communication 3
-- PAR 1101 Paralegal Principles (SCC) 3
-- PAR 1102 Legal Technology (SCC) 1
-- PAR 1103 Litigation (SCC) 3
ENG 1112 English II 3
MTH 1060 Business Mathematics 3
-- PAR 1201 Legal Research & Writing (SCC) 3
-- PAR 1202 Advanced Legal Technology (SCC) 1
-- PAR 1203 Advanced Litigation (SCC) 3
-- RES 1201 Real Estate Law (SCC) 3
MGT 2600 Legal Environment of Business 3
PSY 1111 Introduction to Psychology  
or SOC 1110 Introduction to Sociology 3
-- PAR/LAW Elective (SCC) 3
-- PAR 2301 Advanced Legal Research & Writing (SCC) 3
-- PAR 2302 Family Law (SCC) 3
-- PAR 2303 Probate Law (SCC) 3
-- Arts and Humanities Elective 3
COM 1110 Interpersonal Communication I 3
-- PAR 2401 Paralegal Internship (SCC) 2
-- PAR/LAW Elective (SCC) 3
  Total credit hours 61
Total hours taken at Clark State:  27.  Total hours taken at SCC:  38.

Questions? We're here to help!

Charmaine Misick Academic Advisor
