New Media - Web Design Option
Web Design Option
This program is available at the Springfield - Leffel Lane location.The New Media Web Design Option focuses on teaching front-end web interface design skills with the necessary programming skills needed to obtain work as a Front-End Web Developer or User Experience Designer. Graduates in the New Media Web Design Option need a balance of technical skills and aesthetic design sense with strong communication and personal skills to interact with clients.
Employers in new media need skilled and intuitive creative problem solvers to help them adapt to this new technological age. Employees in New Media must have strong computer competencies to allow them to work remotely from home when this is needed. The average salary for Web and Digital Interface Designers in Ohio is $80,100.
The New Media program is a two-year computer intensive learning experience focusing on industry-standard practices. Students with little experience with computers should take special note of the "Academic Preparation" section below.
The program course schedule is designed for full-time students who have completed all prerequisites and who have no college preparatory recommendations. Many individuals, especially part-time students and those requiring college preparatory courses, will need additional semesters of study. Students should consult their academic advisor for help in planning their schedules.
Graduating new media web design option students wishing to further build their skills could complete the Bachelor of Applied Science in Web Design and Development – Web Design Concentration. Graduates could also receive an Associate of Applied Business in New Media by completing an additional 4 courses, an Associate of Applied Business in Graphic Design by completing an additional 12 courses in the Graphic Design curriculum and an Associate of Applied Business in Computer Software Development by completing an additional 10 courses in the Computer Software Development Curriculum.
Embedded Certificate
This degree program contains one or more embedded certificates which will automatically be awarded if the certificate requirements are met unless the student contacts Records and Registration and indicates he/she does not wish to have the certificate credential awarded.
Outcomes and Curriculum
Upon completion of an Associate of Applied Business degree in New Media - Web Design Option, a graduate will be able to:
- Design websites with usability in mind.
- Manage a digital marketing design problem from conceptualization to finished project.
- Utilize industry standard software effectively for digital content creation.
- Write computer programs to implement information systems designs.
Academic Preparation
New Media Web Design Option students need a high school algebra background equivalent to MTH 0750 Algebra for STEM majors (or MTH 0550 if a grade of C or higher has not been earned in MTH 0750 and ENG 0980 with a grade of C or higher). Students with little or no computer background should enroll in ITS 0700 Computer Fundamentals, as a preparatory course before taking other computer courses. Students without adequate keyboarding skills should enroll in ITS 0710 Beginning Keyboarding.
Transfer Information
Students enrolled in Associate of Applied Business degree programs are preparing for employment upon graduation from the program. However, at some point many of these students are also interested in completing a bachelor's degree. Some colleges or universities have designed bachelor's completion programs designed for students completing applied degrees. See the Transfer section of the catalog for more information.