Judicial Court Reporting
This program is available at the Online location.This online program is a “Shared Program” between Clark State and Stark State College, offering a unique opportunity for providing excellence in teaching and learning.
The vital, exciting, and rewarding IT profession of judicial court reporting provides opportunities in multiple realtime career paths. Judicial court reporters are the guardians of the record, providing a verbatim record of the proceedings of a courtroom, deposition, hearing, arbitration, or meeting and producing an accurate transcript of the proceedings, using state-of-the-art technology. This technology allows court reporters to provide instantaneous translation referred to as realtime for all parties involved in the proceedings, whether present on site or at a distance via the Internet. The ability to create word-for-word accounts and provide realtime translation opens the career opportunities beyond the courtroom and depositions to captioning and beyond.
Clark/Stark students learn to write realtime using a computerized stenography machine and to prepare transcripts using computer-aided (CAT) software. Students’ writing skills are perfected by utilizing a realtime learning practice and testing web environment along with many additional specialized drills, and students have access to an on-campus mock courtroom. Students are required to complete a significant internship prior to graduating, providing exposure to the judicial court reporting field in a real-world environment.
According to the National Court Reporters Association (NCRA), Court reporters earn an average of $60,000 a year, though salaries can range up to and beyond $80,000. Income varies according to the area in which a person lives, certifications earned, the kinds of reporting jobs, and experience of individual reporters.
Are you interested in learning more about the world of court reporting? Listen to what graduates had to say! Access their stories now from NCRA's DiscoverSteno webpage.
Students with little or no computer background should enroll in a computer fundamentals course (consult with academic advisor) as a preparatory course before taking other computer courses.
Explore CareersOutcomes and Curriculum
Upon completion of an Associate of Applied Business degree in Judicial Court Reporting, a graduate will be able to:
- Write a realtime translation theory.
- Read aloud from shorthand notes quickly and accurately.
- Demonstrate knowledge of basic hardware care, maintenance, and setup of a realtime system.
- Demonstrate an understanding and application of law and legal terminology, anatomy and/or medical terminology, and current events.
- Perform skills in reporting procedures, transcript production, and operating practices in the role of the realtime reporter.
- Demonstrate knowledge of professional issues, continuing education, and the NCRA Code of Professional Ethics.
- Write and transcribe testimony at 225 wmp with at least 95 percent accuracy.
- Write and transcribe jury charge at 200 wpm with at least 95 percent accuracy.
- Write and transcribe literary at 180 wpm with at least 95 percent accuracy.
- Perform 75 hours of verified internship, preparing a 40-page complete, accurate transcript, and summarizing the experience in a written narrative.
Academic Preparation
Prospective students should be disciplined, self-motivated, computer-literate, and possess above-average language skills. They also need to be able to meet deadlines, work well under pressure, and concentrate for long periods of time.
Academic Requirements
The Judicial Court Reporting program is approved by the National Court Reporters Association (NCRA). This association’s requirements are met or exceeded with the following standards:
- The student shall pass three five-minute tests with a minimum of 95-percent accuracy at each of the following speeds: 225 words per minute (wpm) testimony (two-voice), 200 wpm jury charge, and 180 wpm literary.
- The student shall complete at least 75 verified hours of internship under the supervision of a practicing professional judicial court reporter, composing a summary of complete experience as well as preparing a 40-page complete, accurate transcript from internship experience.
- The student shall prepare a five-page, first-pass transcript with a minimum of 95-percent accuracy.
Clark State and Stark State reserve the right to change these standards when determined educationally expedient.
Transfer Information
Students enrolled in Associate of Applied Business and Associate of Applied Science degree programs are preparing for employment upon graduation from the program. However, at some point many of these students are also interested in completing a bachelor’s degree. A number of colleges or universities have designed bachelor’s completion programs designed for students completing applied degrees. See the Transfer section of the appropriate college catalog for more information.
Questions? We're here to help!
Robyn M. Hennigan, RPR, CRI Senior Technical Professor and Coordinator, Judicial Court Reporting