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Industrial Maintenance Short-Term Technical Certificate

Industrial Maintenance Short-Term Technical Certificate

This program is available at the Bellefontaine and Springfield - Leffel Lane locations.

The Industrial Maintenance Short-Term Technical Certificate provides a broad base of courses in the field of industrial maintenance.  Course work completed in this certificate program can be applied toward the Industrial Technology and Manufacturing Engineering Technology Associate Degrees.

Explore Careers

Outcomes and Curriculum

Upon completion of the Industrial Maintenance Short-Term Technical Certificate, a graduate will be able to:

  • Read Schematics for fluid systems, electrical systems, and mechanical systems.
  • Program, connect, and test programmable logic control processes.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of direct and alternating current motors including their performance characteristics and application.
Course Title Credits
INT 1000 OSHA 10-Hour General Safety 1
ENT 1050 Manufacturing Foundations 4
EBE 1000 Employability Skills 1
-- Short-Term Technical Certificate 1* 3
ENT 1000 Introduction to Industrial and Engineering Technology 3
-- Short-Term Technical Certificate 2* 3
-- Short-Term Technical Certificate 3* 3
  Total credit hours 18
*Choose 3 Short-Term Technical Certificates for a total of 18-38 credit hours: Pneumatic Systems, Hydraulic Systems, Mechanical Systems, Electrical Systems or Process Control.

Questions? We're here to help!

Nora Hatem Professor, Engineering Technologies
