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Horticulture Industry

Horticulture Industry

This program is available at the Springfield - Leffel Lane location.

The Horticultural Industry program provides basic preparation for careers in the landscape and turfgrass industries.  The campus grounds, including a greenhouse facility and a one-hole golf course, act as a working laboratory to give students practical training.  Students can specialize in the following topics through course electives:

Golf Course Operations - study the maintenance of the golf course amenities

Landscape Design - study landscape plant materials, design, and computer-aided design

Natural Resources - study tree and shrub identification, landscape maintenance, turf science, and communication skills

Nursery Operations - study landscape plant materials, landscape installation, and plant propagation

Turf and Landscape Operations - study turfgrass science and turf management as well as landscape maintenance

Explore Careers

Outcomes and Curriculum

Upon completion of an Associate of Applied Science degree in the Horticulture, a graduate will be able to:

  • Identify plant nutrient deficiencies and describe corrective measures.
  • Identify major plant pests, including weeds, insects and diseases and describe corrective measures.
  • Develop a written agricultural business plan.
  • Locate and use current information in solving technical and critical thinking problems.
  • Demonstrate effective employability skills.
  • Identify common landscape plant materials.
  • Demonstrate the proper care of established plants in the landscape.
  • Write clearly and accurately in variety of contexts and formats.
  • Use critical thinking and problem solving to draw logical conclusions.
  • Use numerical data to solve problems, explain phenomena and make predictions.
  • Speak clearly and accurately in a variety of contexts and formats.
  • Demonstrate basic trouble shooting and maintenance skills for small gas engines.
Course Title Credits
AGR 1100 Ag Survey and Professional Development 4
AGR 1300 Soil Science 4
AGR 1750 Precision Agriculture 3
ENG 1111 English I 3
AGR 1150 Plant Science 4
ENG 2211 Business Communication  
or ENG 2230 Technical Report Writing 3
MTH 1200 Technical Math for Agriculture 3
-- Co-Op Experience in AG Part I*** 1
-- Arts & Humanities Elective* 3
-- Co-Op Experience in AG Part II**** 1
AGR 1201 Pesticide Safety and Application 1
AGR 2601 Weed Science 3
AGR 2700 Ag Business Management 4
-- AGR Technical Elective** 3
-- AGR Technical Elective** 3
AGR 2602 Plant Pathology 2.5
AGR 2603 Plant Insect Pests 2.5
AGR 2850 Agricultural Capstone Seminar 3
-- AGR Technical Elective** 3
-- AGR Technical Elective** 3
-- Social & Behavioral Science Elective* 3
  Total credit hours 60
*At least one must be a global awareness (GA) course. Select from Social/Behavioral Sciences or Arts/Humanities courses identified in the catalog as General Education for technical programs.

**AGR elective may be any AGR course not required above.  AGR 1175, 1400, 1650, 2125, 2300, 2450, and 2800 are recommended.

***AGR Co-Op Experience Part I may be one of the following:  AGR 2000, AGR 2002, AGR 2004, AGR 2006, AGR 2010, AGR 2012, AGR 2014, AGR 2080.

****AGR Co-Op Experience Part II may be one of the following:  AGR 2001, AGR 2003, AGR 2005, AGR 2007, AGR 2009, AGR 2011, AGR 2013, AGR 2015.

Questions? We're here to help!

Dr. Arly Drake Assistant Professor and Coordinator, Agriculture
