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Associate of Arts General Transfer - Theatre Pathway

Associate of Arts General Transfer - Theatre Pathway

This program is available at the Springfield - Leffel Lane and Springfield - Downtown locations.

The Theatre Pathway of the Associate of Arts General Transfer degree emphasizes transfer preparation for a student to pursue a Bachelor of Arts in theatre at a four-year univeristy.  Majors focus on general education and courses include acting, stagecraft, and script analysis. 

Within the program, students receive experiential training in Theatre by working on the program’s live productions in the Clark State Performing Arts Center Turner Studio Theatre and Kuss Auditorium. Majors take one practicum course each term as part of their coursework and audition for program productions to gain experience in the field.

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Embedded Certificates

This degree program contains one or more embedded certificates which will automatically be awarded if the certificate requirements are met unless students contact Records and Registration and indicate they do not wish to have the certificate credential awarded.

Outcomes and Curriculum

Upon completion of an Associate of Arts degree in Theatre, a graduate will be able to:

  • Demonstrate an understanding of the roles of all theatre personnel and use correct terminology.
  • Demonstrate auditioning and performance skills and professionalism.
  • Demonstrate theatre technology equipment skills including analyzing design packages and plots.
  • Analyze a play's structure, character, themes and production values.
  • Differentiate among major periods in theatre history.
Course Title Credits
FYE 1101 College Success 1
ENG 1111 English I 3
THE 1111 Stagecraft I 3
THE 1130 Theatre Appreciation 3
THE 1121 Theatre Technology Practicum I 1
-- OT 36 Math Elective * 3
-- OT 36 Social and Behavioral Sciences Elective ** 3
ENG 1112 English II 3
COM 1120 Public Speaking I 3
THE 1133 Script Analysis 3
THE 2201 Acting I 3
THE 1101 Acting Practicum I 1
-- OT 36 Social and Behavioral Sciences Elective ** 3
ASL 1111 Beginning American Sign Language, Course I  
or SPN 1111 Beginning Spanish, Course I 3
THE 2241 Theatre History I 3
THE 1102 Acting Practicum II  
or THE 1122 Theatre Technology Practicum II 1
-- Theatre Elective *** 3
-- OT 36 Natural Sciences Elective ^ 4
ASL 1112 Beginning American Sign Language, Course II  
or SPN 1112 Beginning Spanish, Course II 3
THE 2242 Theatre History II 3
THE 2103 Acting Practicum III  
or THE 2123 Theatre Technology Practicum III 1
-- OT 36 Natural Sciences Elective ^ 4
-- OT 36 Arts and Humanities Elective ^^ 3
  Total credit hours 61
* Ohio Transfer 36 Math Electives: MTH 1070 (recommended), 1280, 1340, 2100, 2200, 2220, 2242, 2430, STT 2640

** Ohio Transfer 36 Social and Behavioral Sciences electives from two different areas: PSY 1111 recommended, other options include ECO, GEO 1100, 2200, PLS, PSY 1111, 2223, 2230, SOC

*** Theatre Elective: THE 1112, 2202, 2235, 2280

^ Ohio Transfer 36 Natural Sciences Electives: BIO 1410, 1420, 1510, 1520, 2121, 2122, CHM, GLG, PHY

^^ Ohio Transfer 36 Arts and Humanities Elective outside THE: ART 1001, 1002, 1300, ENG 1600, 2300, 2510, 2520, 2610, 2620, HST, MUS 1130, PHL

Academic Preparation

In order to finish a Theatre degree in two years, full-time students should have completed all prerequisites and have no college preparatory requirements. Many individuals, especially part-time students and those taking preparatory courses, will require additional semesters of study. Students should consult their academic advisor for help planning their schedules.

Transfer Information

Transfer institutions make the determination in acceptance of credit. The student should consult with an academic advisor and the intended transfer institution when planning a schedule of classes. With careful scheduling and advising, a student should be able to transfer with junior standing, especially within the state of Ohio.

Pathway options for transferability to other state institutions is available at