Class Schedule
Use the online class schedule below to see an up-to-date listing of all upcoming courses. If you have any questions please contact your Academic Advisor.
Sections that are full and do NOT have any more available seats are grayed out.
Wondering what your textbooks might cost? Visit the online eCampus bookstore to determine what textbooks are required. (For informational and financial planning purposes only.) To place an order, please use the Bookstore link found in the Quick Links section of your MyClarkState portal.
Do you know what type of technology you’ll need for your class? Clark State uses the Windows operating system and Microsoft Suite for all programs and most courses. While tablets, Chromebooks, and cell phones are appropriate for communication and web use, they are not sufficient for either in-person or online coursework. If you are looking to purchase a computer, please contact your advisor to learn more about what specific software and/or hardware requirements you may need for your chosen program.
Section Numbers (First Digit = Location)
Section Numbers (Second Digit = Modality)
Unique Combinations
Section Numbers (Fifth Digit = Term)
On Campus Buildings
Off Campus Buildings
A printable PDF of the class schedule is available for Spring 2025, Summer 2025 and Fall 2025.
Delivery method
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